Friday, March 21, 2008

Our Kara

We often call Kara our "emotional" child. Nothing is ever low-key for her...when she is happy, she is super happy, but when she is mad, she is super mad. Levi has always been a consistently happy/wild child, so when Kara came along, she threw me for a loop.

It all started the day we found out we were pregnant. Having just experienced a miscarriage, we were more than thrilled, until I threw up. Nothing about my pregnancy with her was easy - sickness, a mis-aligned pelvic bone and severe sciatica pain all led to a very long 9 months. I was ecstatic when my doctor let me be induced at 38 weeks in hopes of a "smaller" baby. Kara weighed in at 8 lbs - no preemie. The first few hours after she was born was up and down - the doctors went back and forth on whether or not to take her to the NICU - her lungs were too "sticky". Then they found a hole in her heart, then she was jaundice. It was literally one thing after another. Thankfully, she fought through all those issues and was able to come home with us a few days later.

After bringing her home, we had some good days and bad days - did I mention she is emotional? We had almost forgotten about the heart issue until her 4 month check-up. The doctor said, "I still hear the air moving through the heart". I was devestated. The "hole" was supposed to close up within a few weeks of her birth! So today, we met with the pediatric cardiologist. After doing an ultrasound, he concluded that she is OK. Thank you Lord!

We still have some things we have to work through with her...she measured in the 90% in height, but only the 15% in weight - not good proportions according to the doctor. So, we are being agressive with feedings and adding more solids early - hopefully she'll get some "thunder thighs" by her 6 month check-up!!!

Thank you to all of you who have prayed for her over the last few weeks. I have much to be thankful for - especially on this Good Friday as we remember the One who made the greatest sacrifice for me and you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad everything is ok with baby Kara! I am sorry I never caught up with you about the clothes, but as I can tell you had a rough couple of months there anyway. I am glad things are going much smoother now. Macie is quite the emotional child too, and now that she has hit 2 1/2 she is also VERY bossy. I am not sure where she gets it from?!? Anyway, I am glad to see you are all doing well, and I like your blog! Tell Garet hello! Haley James