Friday, May 23, 2008

Diet Caffeine Free

I am a Diet Coke (as in "soda" or "pop") drinker. I always have been. That is all I had growing up and so thankfully I have never developed a taste for the "loaded" soft drinks. I have had just about every diet drink out there at one point in time or the other, but my favorite diet drink of choice is Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi - hands down. I also enjoy a Diet Sunkist as well.

Since the above are not found in restaurants, I always drink a Diet Coke/Pepsi. However, having been either pregnant or nursing for the better part of the last three and a half years, I have had to watch my caffeine intake. I also cannot drink caffeine after about 3:00 or I'm awake forever at night. Now, let me say that I have never been over-the-top addicted to caffeine, but I do like my cokes. Also, I am not a hard core "never drink caffeine while pregnant or nursing" - I limited myself to one a day which is appropriate from everything I've read.

If you followed all that, you may have said to yourself: 1) She likes diet drinks and 2) They need to be caffeine free. Here's the question: Do you realize how FEW restaurants serve such a commodity? When I find these special places, I take note and are always high on priority lists of places to eat.

For those of you still searching, I've compiled a list:
  1. Chick-fil-A - This has always been the most consistent place (state to state). Let's just say that we usually spend money here once a week...we do it for Levi (right?).
  2. Sam's - Could we expect anything less from one of the greatest shopping places ever?
  3. Macaroni Grill - Not my favorite Italian, but everything tastes better with a diet coke!
  4. Target - A great place to grab a bite when your 1 hour shopping trip with 2 kids turns into an all-day "event"
  5. Nothing but Noodles - I don't know what they do to their machine, but they make their fountain drinks extra good here.
  6. Oh Bryans - Local Place - Excellent Food
  7. 5 Guys - Already have the best burgers, PLUS, they have cherry coke and I can splash my Diet Caffeine Free Coke with a little cherry flavor!
  8. Subway near the hospital - This is right near where all the childbirth classes take place, so I choose to believe that they have this just for them.
As you might notice, this list is very short (sigh). If you ever run across any other places, please let me know. I need to start making restaurants more aware of the need for Diet Caffeine Drinks. Do you have a favorite drink that is hard to find at restaurants?


Bull said...

What is your favorite Italian? And where is this Oh Bryan's place of which you speak?

Alison said...

Probably Carrabas, although Olive Garden (I know, I know) is probably a close second. Oh Bryans has a few restaurants in the area, but I've heard the best one to go to is the one in Madison (on Browns Ferry) which is where we go. Next time we all get together, we can go there.

Bull said...

Which I guess will be whenever Jason and Lindsey come through again. They are the catalyst that brings the Fields and Turnbulls together.

Carrabas is probably my favorite too. I don't care for that place on Airport that everybody likes...Lucianos I think it is called? Or that expensive place downtown. Tony's Little Italy isn't bad. Anyway, I'm always looking for local places to try, so I'll be on the lookout for Oh Bryans.

mel said...

coke zero is the only way to go! cherry coke zero is even better! :)

Alison said...

Melissa: I'm finding Coke Zero at more and more places lately. I usually get it when I need the caffeine! Good choice.

Kendra said...

Sweet Tea! Do you know how hard it is to find sweet tea in Texas? The places I can always count on having fabulous sweet tea are: Chick-fil-A (it's just the best for everything!), Sonic, McDonald's (only if I have to), and The Cotton Patch (local).

Anonymous said...

Chuck E Cheese has Diet Caffeine Free coke

Alison said...

Kendra: I don't drink sweet tea, but I would have thought Texas would have it...interesting! I'll pay attention while I'm here.

Anonymous: Thanks for the tip on Chuck E. Cheese. We've been meaning to take Levi, now I have something else to look forward too!