Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saying Good-bye

Most every Sunday Night, we have our Life Group at our house. It sometimes gets annoying to clean up every week, but the benefits of having friends in our house week in and week out far exceeds the slight inconvenience of cleaning. After everyone leaves each Sunday, I feel like our house is a little more "homey" because we have new memories (laughter, tears, prayer, hugs, kids running through the house, Bible Study, GREAT food, just to name a few) that we have made with our friends. Yes, I'm getting a little sappy, but they mean that much to me.

Tonight was a sad night at the casa. We had to say good-bye to friends that have been a part of our group for a couple of years now. Joshua (a new blogger!) & Kimberly showed up at our church a few years back, went out to eat with us after the service that night, and have been friends ever since. Having both been teachers, we have been blessed to have Joshua lead our Life Group and Kimberly lead my ladies Bible Study.

Unfortunately for us, Joshua has been transferred to the Nashville area and they will be moving up there this week. Boo.

Last week, we had a farewell party/baby shower for them. Being the crazy people that we are, we went out to eat with 22 adults and 17 children (all 4 and under). It was a little wild, but we had some fun celebrating the Browns.

Here is the insanity:

To say good-bye to the Browns, we played: "Who will miss the Browns the most". I asked a series of questions about them and we tested our knowledge. The winners were Peter & Kate!

While Garet and I will miss Joshua & Kimberly, I think Levi might miss Noah more! We still expect to see you guys for all the parties!!!

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