Friday, October 10, 2008

Party Day!

After finally getting Levi to go to sleep last night (he was a little excited about the party), we almost overslept for the party today! (Not that I expected us to be early!) Levi's official birthday isn't until tomorrow, but Saturday's are always crazy days and since it is fall break, we picked today. Every day I am amazed at how much Levi is growing up - down to picking the details for his party. From day 1, we knew he wanted a "Cars" birthday party - the kid can't get enough! And after throwing out some options, he was thrilled to choose JumpZone as the locale. What surprised me the most was how he picked out all the friends he wanted to invite - he is really at an age now where he is developing friendships and I love it!

Without further ado, the party....

Levi had fun,and so did Granddaddy!
We couldn't let Kara miss out on all the action:

Harrison was too fast for the camera:

Cutie-pie Sarah:
Garet tackling Levi:Pow-wow on the inflatables:

Carter taking a's tough work to climb up those slides:

Ashley and her girls:

Love this picture:

Levi & Jonathon planning their next move:

Levi's "Cars" cake from guess where...Sam's! I was pleased:

I had to document this moment, because ever since our Shogun experience, Levi hasn't gone anywhere close to fire (birthday cakes included). He did it today - yea!

Party Room:

I mean, could the twins get any cuter eating their cake:

I have to remember not to get black icing next year:

I laughed out loud when I saw this picture. I couldn't decide if Jaysa wanted her juice more or if Hannah wanted her cake more:

Opening Presents (while the kids stared at the ceiling?):

Levi & Aaron - best buddies (seriously, these two are joined at the hip). I love to watch them together - I only wish all of my relationships were as genuine as theirs:

After Levi's choice of McDonald's for lunch, we went back to the house to play with the toys:

Thanks to everyone who came out today. The birthday festivities are going on all weekend. The guys are currently camping (Kara made it clear that she is not an outdoors girl) - stay tuned!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I cannot believe how quickly you got these pics up on your blog!

Happy Birthday, Levi!

Hate that we couldn't make the trek!