Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Good-bye Oahu, Hello Kauai

Our last day on Oahu was a little smelly. We decided to take the bus over to the international marketplace. As we walked into the marketplace, Kara decided to stick her finger down her throat and vomit all over everything. Her outfit was soaked, the stroller was soaked, and Garet and I had puke all over us. We tried to get the smell out, but it remained with us for the day. Needless to say we didn't buy anything because we made a beeline for the airport.

At this point, we were very ready to move on and thankfully the flight to Kauai is only 25 minutes! Levi enjoys the baggage carousals, so we let him put his carry-on bag on the carousal and "pick it up" after it went around. It was too cute:
Arriving in Kauai was a breath of fresh air (literally). All my cares quickly washed away and I finally felt relaxed. The island is so beautiful.

Kauai is known for their chickens. We had been telling Levi about them for a couple of weeks. However, he had some questions when we actually got here. He asked if they were "short". After saying "yes", he asked, "So, they can't open the doors?". The things that go through a 3-year-old's mind.... He has warmed up to them now though, and has become an expert in telling us which are the "boy" chickens, the "girl" chickens and the "baby" chickens.

I took this picture of the rooster because I thought it was funny that it was next to an old beer bottle. It did have it's mouth on the opening, but I clicked too late:


Bill and Melodie said...

I bet Kendra loves these!

Ashley Turnbull said...

That's where I want to go for my next big anniversary (if Adam will agree to it). Let us know more about where you guys are staying and what all you are doing. Just so that I have for WAY future reference...

PS. My gosh, how long are you guys over there!!!??

Alison said...

Melodie: seriously!!

Ashley: Garet could be a tour guide for Kauai - he's the one to talk to!