Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's great to be an Auburn Tiger!

Last Saturday was one of those all-around great days. In addition to Garet coming home, my BFF-4ev, college roomie (for 3 years) and "twin", Joy, drove up with her son Charlie. It had been over a year since I have seen her and it had been way too long! Dan & Ellen came over too for a mini-reunion. We had 5 kids, 3 and under, and they were all decked out in their orange & blue.

We ate Guthrie's (what else?), watched a little of the game (sigh), and mostly caught up on each other and played with the kids.

Charlie showing Kara his books. Joy got the best picture of the two of them together (go check it out) - I'm going to have to keep my eye on that girl if this is what she does with the boys!
Davis & Isaac. Don't you want to just pinch those cheeks? Attempting to get all 5 kids to sit for a picture. You would think it was easy with 4 adults - ha!The end product. I consider it success if they are all IN the picture:Garet made it home right before everyone had to leave. He was sporting his Auburn shirt as well, so we got a family photo. SHOCKER: Everyone was looking at the camera - amazing!My "twin". Joy used to have curly hair like me. For some reason I look 12 in this picture.
I have so many great memories from my time on the plains. I have been blessed with amazing experiences from every stage of my life, but I honestly think my 4 years at Auburn were some of the best. In addition to an education, I met life-long friends (one of those my husband!), learned how to be an adult, and began to form my own opinions on things (most specifically in my faith). I wouldn't change a thing about my college experience and I am so grateful for that time. Seeing old friends always takes me right back - I hope we always stay in touch!


Joy said...

You don't look 12!!! And I promise I still have curly hair -- it just doesn't look calm and tame like yours does, that's why I wear it straight! I'll always be your twin, promise!

We still need to keep in mind a trip to the aquarium for the winter!

Thanks again for letting us invite ourselves over for the day -- we had a blast!

Peace out, roomie... :)

The Canada's said...

AUsome! It is funny you blogged about this. I just talked to Steve Thompson for the first time... probably since college. After the phone call I was flooded with memories and emotion. I echo your sentiments about this time in our lives.

Josh Britt said...

is it really good to be an auburn fan? I'm questioning whether it is really good to be a Louisville football fan?

Emily said...

My girls have the same AU cheerleading outfit!