Thursday, May 21, 2009

Auburn Reunions!

I've said it many times, but my four years at Auburn were some of the best of my life. I have so many good memories from that time period and I know that they are due in a large part to the wonderful friends we made from our time on the plains.

We have been spoiled the last couple of weeks to be able to spend some time with a few of these friends. I'm always amazed at how easily it is to talk and hang out despite all the changes we've incurred over the last 10+ years! If you are ever in the area, please let us know - we would love to see you!!

Our buddy Jason is a pilot and so his schedule is always last minute. Thankfully, we were able to pull a dinner outing together when him, his wife Lindsey and kids were in town for the night.

Here's the crew! Dan & Ellen, Bull (minus Ashley), Jason & Lindsey and us! The restaurant was so kind to give us our own room in which we let all the kiddos run around while we talked. War Eagle!Then, a couple of weeks later, a few of us got together for a big surprise!! In Auburn, Carmen, Joy and I were the best of friends and did everything together. Carr married a guy named Scott and in January or so he started planning a surprise birthday party for Carr's 31st birthday. Of course, I was in! Joy and I ended up bringing our men and it turned out to be a perfect (although too short) weekend in Chattanooga (could it be anywhere else?) on the lake. The surprise was a huge success and you can read my friends takes here: Joy and Carr.

Apparently we still thought we were in college, because we stayed up until 3:30 AM talking! That was a little taxing on this preggo mother of a toddler and preschooler, but it was so worth it. I think we all agreed that our early 30s are not exactly what we had envisioned. Life is a little harder, things aren't perfect, there have been some surprises in life, but I thank God that we still have each other and our friendships despite the very different paths our lives have taken. For instance, as Joy mentioned, we all married completely different men, but they hung with us this weekend and we had a great time together. Here we are with the additions to our trio:
I couldn't end this post with out a huge thank you to Carmen's parents - they took care of all the cooking and cleaning and I felt like I was in college all over again. I can't remember the last time someone has taken care of everything for me and I just get to enjoy!

I hope the reunions don't stop here!!


Joy said...

Your description of 'life in our early 30s' -- I couldn't have stated it better!!

Wish we could have been at the first AU reunion in Huntsville! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! War Eagle!

Ben Amos

Carmen's Blog of Useles Facts... said...

i think it's funny that you caught me and my family in our natural state: stuffing our faces. :) thanks for being there- it meant a LOT.

The Canada's said...

We had a great time seeing you guys! Hopefully soon we can have a big AU reunion! Love the pics.
