Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Facebook Adventures

Warning: this post turned out way more nerdy than originally intended. Sigh.

About a year ago, I switched over to Facebook. Soon after joining, I asked Garet to join and he finally said, "When you get 500 friends, I will". Of course, he said that when I was around 150 friends thinking the day would never come. Well, this week I approached the 500 mark and suddenly my friend number began to drop. Turns out Garet made a deal with some of his buddies (Person 1, Person 2, and Person 3 (DC)) that they would drop me when I got close to 500 friends so that Garet wouldn't have to join. Can you feel the love???

Despite their efforts, Garet joined since I would have 500 friends had the conspiracy not taken place. He does have to live with me after all :).

Every time I mentioned his holdout to people, they would ask, "How in the world do you know 500 people?". Truth is, I didn't know myself! Granted I like to talk...to anyone really, I've moved around, I work at a church, I've had my share of jobs, I married into Garet's ginormous family, and there are not many people these days that are not on Facebook.

Since I'm a math major, I do what all good math majors do and analyze. What better than a pie chart - we do like our charts and March 14th (right, Allison M?).

So, here are all my Facebook friends in pie chart glory:

My commentary:
  • Auburn - 107 (the largest group by 1. We were blessed to get to know so many great people through the Auburn BCM, our church (Lakeview), and my fellow math majors :)
  • Hillwood - 106 (this is the church I grew up in. It has been so much fun reconnecting with all those people I grew up with - most of these are from the youth group, but it does include many parents of my friends as well!)
  • The Brook - 86 (my current church. It pays in Facebook friends to be on staff :). Seriously, I love these people!)
  • Grissom - 65 (these are people that I knew from High School that I didn't go to church with. Keep in mind that my high school had over 2000 people. Most of these people I was on the flag corp with or in the band with. Great memories)
  • Along Life's Way - 45 (most of this number is from spouses and family members of some of my closest friends but also includes friends that have moved away)
  • Family - 36 (did I mention Garet has about a million cousins?)
  • Local - 36 (various people I've met here in town whether through the kids school or we used to go to church together)
  • Old Jobs/Garet's co-workers - 17 (speaks for itself)

So, there you have it - how to get 500 friends on facebook without even trying :).


Kimberly said...

wow - says me - one of a dying breed of non-facebookers apparently. :)

Josh is no math major, but he creates a pie chart of our spending every month. he'll grin to see yours.

Bill and Melodie said...

I must clarify that it was Bill, not me that dropped you, I would never do that!

Joy said...

You need to make a pie chart like that for me!!

Alison said...

joy...google "make a pie chart". There are several websites that spit them out really quick. :)

Jamie said...

Cute and cool, not nerdy, post! :)

Carmen's Blog of Useles Facts... said...


Just kidding. you do crack me up though. You and your spreadsheets and charts. :)

MaryBeth said...

Oh my, that is so funny! Love the pie chart. Wes has been on FB for awhile, and I always "looked" at his. Finally he said 'no more' so I joined back in January.