Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In case I'm not the only one who didn't know

I've been a blog reader for a few years now, but really just hard core in the last year. I have all my "must reads" saved in my favorites folder. Every day I would click on them one by one...until two weeks ago when I learned about my new best friend: Google Reader. (Thanks Tony Morgan) If I'm the only one new to this, then you can just ignore me, but if you were in the dark like myself, then let me enlighten you!

Google Reader lets you add your favorite blogs to a "reader" list. Every day, I simply sign in and it instantly tells me which of "my" blogs have been updated and then it posts the update right there on the screen. Now, why didn't I think of that....or at least realize that someone already had. I must have been too busy clicking away from one blog to another. I hope this makes your blog reading a little more enjoyable.

Finally, I've asked Garet to guest blog (in other words to write some of his poetry!). He says he needs to be "inspired" to write, so let's help him out...any ideas?? He's written poetry about Levi's poop, so there is nothing too far fetched :).


Unknown said...

Garet should check out "The Book of Nightmares" by Galway Kinnell. Sounds rough, but it is a beautiful book of poetry, written to/inspired by his little girl. As a father, especially a father/poet, I think Garet could find some Truth/inspiration in the words.

Ashley Turnbull said...

I would always talk about all the blogs I read, and folks would ask how I had time for so many? Easy peesy. Google Reader! I can read 100s in mere minutes! Great that you found it!