Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Inevitable has happened...

...I'm now 30. Today has been an average day. We are in Detroit visiting Garet's sister, so we went to church with them, but they buzzed us because Kara was crying. We then headed back to the house for sphaghetti & meatballs. I missed most of the meal because I had to feed Kara and then she wouldn't stop crying. I requested chocolate cheesecake for my dessert and it was delicious.

The kids both got me gifts...Kara got me a Shawn McDonald CD and Levi got me none other than a "Sally" car from the movie Cars. I wonder who is going to play with that one. :) My real gift is coming soon...a trip to the Dominican Republic - I can't wait!

This afternoon, Garet went with me to do a little outlet shopping. We only found stuff for Garet and Levi, but I still enjoyed it, although Kara cried through most of it. Tonight we went out to Applebees - all 7 adults and 8 kids. We met up with our friends Jason, Lindsey and Lakyn and they really helped make my birthday enjoyable. Of course, Kara cried through the meal (are we sensing a pattern here?!?!)

We just put the kids to bed. As I was kissing Levi good-night, he reached up and touched my hair and said "I like your hair mommy". I thought that was so sweet until he said, "It looks like a bird". I'm not sure how to take that, but I love him anyway.

So far 30 hasn't been that bad. It has mostly involved Kara crying, but we'll get through it. Thanks to everyone who wished me a "Happy Birthday" today!


The Canada's said...

Happy Birthday! (and I still have no idea what they were singing to you at Applebee's!)

Thanks for making time for us during your MI visit!

Kristen said...

Such a relief to know that it's not just MY child that cries all the time everywhere we go! We finally figured out that it has a lot to do with being tired!!!

Kristen said...

Oh, and happy birthday!