Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Don't ask me about global warming...

...ask my dad. He's the guru. His accomplishments in this area are too numerous to list in this post, but you can read about him here. Unless you were born yesterday, you might have noticed that there shall we say it...a little "controversy" in this field of science, so my dad deals with lots of hostility. Amazingly, through it all, my dad has always taken the high road. He doesn't accept money from any group and has always displayed the utmost integrity when facing his opposition. I think I would have punched a few people in the face by now, but not my dad.

The reason I bring him up is because Mike Wallace (of 60 minutes), released a book last week titled: The Way We Will Be 50 Years from Today: 60 Of The World's Greatest Minds Share Their Visions of the Next Half-Century. Guess who one of those 60 Greatest Minds was? That's right, my dad. So, here is a little shout out to him. I, of course, already knew he had a great mind, but to me he's just my dad and now....grandpa.


Kimberly said...

Hey now, that is pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

is that meant to be a pun? :)

Kimberly said...

I only wish I was that witty!!

Joy said...

hey, alex is fascinated with this, and really wants to meet your dad and sit and talk with him (seriously...i am not kidding)

Really, that is neat...I may have to go in Books-a-Million and read up on it :)

Anonymous said...

Of all the awards and recognitions that have come my way, none compares to the honor of called dad and grandpa. Dad-dad-daddio

Anonymous said...

Allison, this is Dell Wilson who used to play bass at The Brook. I was sharing with Lynn last night the latest email conversation I've been having with Dan Satterfield on the AGW controversy. (I follow it as a bit of a hobby.) I told Lynn how I have twice suggested to Dan that he seek out and speak with Drs. Christy and Spencer since they are so close and so well-respected. Well, Lynn Googled Dr. Christy and ran across a picture of him, which looked very familiar to her. She put the pieces together this morning and figured out he's your dad! HOLY COW!!!

I guess climate scientists don't expect to have fans, but I really am. I have watched some lectures and debates on YouTube and I really love his style; sort-of speak-softly-and-carry-big-statistics. I would love to be notified if he ever gives lectures within driving distance.