Friday, April 18, 2008

Good Friends

Have you ever had one of those times when you are just so humbled to have such good friends? Last night was one of those nights for me. Our friends, Jim & Jaime, leave tomorrow(!!!) to go meet their 3 children in Columbia, so myself and several of our friends threw an "adoption party" for them last night. We showered Jaime with gifts for their new children since they will be picking them up with only the clothes on their backs, which basically means, they need EVERYTHING (times 3!).

What I witnessed last night was beautiful. These ladies just gave and gave. I've been to so many showers where everyone tries to make everything all "perfect" and people try to "out do" everyone else with the gifts (including the wrapping!) that they give. Not last night. People gave out of an overflow of pure joy for what the Boyachek's will soon be experiencing. There was no trying to impress everyone, just to surround Jaime with love. It was such a blessing to me!!

I am so thankful for the girls pictured below. You displayed Christ's love for us in an amazing way last night! I'm a lucky girl to have them as friends.

The new mommy - Jaime & me (...and the pretty cool looking lampshades)

The end result - Amazing!

1 comment:

Bill and Melodie said...

Last night was so much fun, just being together and seeing so many people excited for Jim and Jaime. I can't wait to see those 3 kiddos home with their Mami and Papi, or whatever they will call them!

Thanks for heading all that up for Jaime!