Friday, April 11, 2008

Laundry Lament

I have always been somewhat OCD when it comes to laundry (seriously). I joke about it often, but I really go to some ridiculous lengths to have all of my clothes (and now my husbands and children's) a certain way. I'm really not sure when it started. I never did laundry growing up and so I think my first experience with it was the summer before I left for school when I realized that I knew nothing. So, all of this transpired somewhere down on the plains of Auburn...

Clothes are all hung and folded a certain way...and I fold EVERYTHING - including matching and folding socks and underwear. Once they go into the closet or drawer, it continues. Clothes are hung by season and size (for the kids) and are rotated as they are worn (see why I said seriously above!!). Socks are sorted by color and style in my drawers. All of my hangers are navy (a carryover from my college days), Garet's are white, Levi's are boy toddler colors, Kara's are girl toddler colors and my maternity clothes (when needed) are on green hangers. If the appropriate hanger is not available in the laundry room, they can be hung to dry on a different color hanger, but then I have to change them out before they go into the closet. I'm having a breakdown as I read how ridiculous this sounds!!!

As you might imagine, doing laundry is no simple task in my house and it is quite a lengthy process. Since time has become a premium to me with two children, I have decided that I must change my laundry habits. Last week, I did something that I have never done (no joke) - I left the underwear unfolded and then I put it straight into the drawer in a heaping mess. It pains me to type that, but I feel that it will save me so much time. I still get a little antsy thinking about how this is going to mess up the rotation, but it is something I have to do.

Garet was thrilled to say the least. He is of the opinion that you really don't have to fold anything - just hang up (on whatever hanger is available) what you don't want wrinkled. He quickly said to stop matching and folding the socks, to which I replied, "One step at a time...I can't overwhelm myself!". I really hope I can keep this up - it did save time. On a side note, I don't fold sheets and this is probably the one thing Garet thinks should be folded. They are just too big. Sigh.


Unknown said...

Honey, relax. In 10 years who will care if you EVER folded underwear and socks? Believe me, you will reach a point as the kids grow that you are just happy to have them clean - anywhere in the house! We never fold ours - it rarely makes it into a drawer. Maybe there is a balance there we should both shoot for. :)Use that time to BE WITH your babies! They grow up very fast.

Kendra said...

This made me laugh as I'm slightly OCD about laundry as well. I do enjoy color-coded hangers. But over time, I have also stopped folding underwear (mine anyway...I'll still fold the boxers). And I match my socks, but the hubby's go in his sock drawer to be matched when needed.

I must confess, although everything gets folded, it often sits folded in a laundry basket or on the dressers. Sigh.

Laundry...the never ending task. :o) I hope you find a balance...and when you do, please blog about it!

Carmen's Blog of Useles Facts... said...

wow, al. didn't realize this about you! i do remember that you had a method to all of your madnesses. :)

i have become slightly ocd as well. i have to have my kitchen PERFECT all the time. laundry,i'm afraid, is another story altogether!

Joy said...

whoa, that cracks me up! I've had to let go of alot of my ocd stuff since marrying alex. :) I agree with Jan about the "10 years"... Part of the way I 'let go' is by saying to myself, will this matter next week? Next month? Next year? In 10 years? Of course every once in a while, it gets to me and I have a spaz ocd fit trying to get it all in order (while alex just laughs at me)

Joy said...

hey, since garet is all about folding the sheets, tell him to do a blog about the proper way to fold a fitted sheet -- I STILL cannot do it correctly and that drives my ocd self crazy!

Unknown said...

I can show you how to fold a fitted sheet. This was one of the things my grandmother and mother thought I should know before I got married. ??? I had a friend of my mother's very seriously tell me that I really "shouldn't worry about ironing my sheets no matter what anyone says". I thought she was being funny! No worries there. I have NEVER been tempted to iron my sheets. (Actually it never even occurred to me) But, if someone wants a demonstration I can show you the method for folding a fitted sheet that my mom showed me. :)

Alison said...

Jan - I think this should be your next blog can write it while you are laying on the beaches of Kauai!