Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Multi-Tasking Mom

I went to Wal-mart late this afternoon because the kids woke up from their naps early. I often times break my own rule of "never carrying a child through the store" with Kara, because she is, well, Kara. So there I am with Kara in tow, discussing yogurt with Levi and reading the back of a Chili packet. This lady stopped me and said, "I just don't know how you mom's do it". Truthfully, I don't either. I am convinced that God gives mom's supernatural abilities - there is just no other way to explain it.

Actually, today at the store was nothing. Normally, I'm reading my favorite blogs, while feeding Kara, while watching my favorite show on TIVO, while having a discussion with Levi and/or Garet. And somehow, I can keep all those things straight! Whew!

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