Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Things I can't live without: Levi Edition

I am continuing my series on "Things I can't live without". Levi will be 3 in a week and a half - agree or disagree with the list?

Electric Toothbrushes. After using all those "Baby Toothbrushes" for so long, I found this on clearance for $1 and Levi now loves to brush his teeth. I feel like it gets them cleaner anyways.
Cars shoes. I love any shoes that I don't have to put on Levi. They might not always get on the right feet, but I'm OK with that.
MDO. I know I talk about this ALL the time, but I can't help it. Every day Levi comes home with something new he has learned. The past few weeks have included the days of the week, the letters A & B, numbers 1 & 2, the color red, circles and the weather wheel.

Kandoo products. There is just something about green foam soap that encourages Levi to wash his hands.

Portable DVD Player. Levi thinks it is his own laptop. A must for any trip.
Large sheets. Great for tents and forts galore.
Diego Dixie Cups. Levi is now drinking out of "big boy" cups and I can throw these away instead of washing them.

Plastic Sheets. Although Levi is now wearing "big boy" underwear at night, he has had a couple of accidents in the middle of the night this past month. Plastic sheets are a lifesaver!

The shower. Levi has never been a big bath person (I think because it aggravates his eczema so much), so now he takes showers. We even let him take his own now (although we help him with the cleaning part a little).

Lemonade (Crystal Light specifically). Thank goodness for sugar-free lemonade. This is Levi's drink of choice and he could put away a gallon-a-day if you would let him.

Playgrounds at Chick-fil-a, McDonalds and the mall. These provide an incentive for Levi to eat...something he doesn't do very well.

"Cars" Pasta. Spaghetti night is no longer the messiest night in our house! Levi's can "ring" the pasta on his fork and it doesn't go all over his shirt!
Strawberry Sugar-Free Applesauce. The one thing that has to be included in his lunch every day.

Pants that don't button and zip. When a kid really needs to use the bathroom, easy-off pants are a must!

Playground. We went back and forth on this for a long time, but it is so nice to have as an alternative to being inside all day!

Stay tuned for the Kara edition tomorrow and if we are lucky, the Garet edition on Thursday!


Kimberly said...

Preach it, girl!

I'll send a shout out for the toothbrush (Noah's is the Jungle Book), MDO, DVD player in the car (although now he wants it even on the littel errand trips we make day to day...is that bad?), plastic sheets, and playgrounds!

Anonymous said...

I am by far looking forward to the Garet addition. I know G-Bone won't disappoint!

Alison said...

Kimberly: Haven't encountered that one - maybe just do trips over 30 minutes???

jeremy: Keep your fingers crossed for g-bone post #3!!