Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Things I can't live without: Kara Edition

Here's to the littlest member of our family...

Gerber Puffs & Wagon Wheels. Kara could survive on nothing but these everyday.

Bows. Kara has not been blessed with the amount of hair Levi had at this age. In order to not cause confusion, I love sticking bows in her hair! (Not a great picture, sorry.)

Laugh & Learn Kitchen. This is one of the only "baby" toys she plays with.
Levi's Toys. Everything else Kara plays with comes from Levi's room. I think it is more because the toys belong to Levi than anything else.

Fisher-Price High Chair. Where was this when Levi was born? It's not big, bulky, can be easily moved (and hidden!), super easy to clean, etc, etc. I could go on and on. (sorry for all the old pictures in this post - I didn't have time to go take new ones!)
Orajel Q-tip Swabs. Kara decided to get 7 teeth over the course of 2 weeks (she's so determined!). I hate trying to get the squeeze gel right on her teeth - thank goodness for the swabs!

2-second Thermometer. We didn't get this until Kara was about 6 months old - I couldn't believe what I had been missing! The temperature reads sooooo fast - with a child that refuses to sit still, this is a must!

Boppy. Kara still prefers to drink every bottle snuggled in her boppy.

Ms. Paige. Only our very favorite babysitter! She's never allowed to move away.

Swing. Anytime she can see the playground out the window, she is pointing towards the swing.

I've found that things have been quite different the second time around. Kara didn't require near the amount of "baby stuff" that I thought I had to have with Levi. The above are essential at this stage in her life though. I can't believe she is almost one!


Kimberly said...

I can't believe she is almost 1 either!!

Bill and Melodie said...

I know, my baby is 11 months old... Gotta try the orajel swabs, Rosa is about to get 2 more teeth.

The Slocumb Family said...

You are so creative...I love reading your posts!!

Are you planning on going to the Arkansas game?

gbone said...

Brooke: I'm 95% sure we will be there. I just need to get some tickets (which I'm working on). Can't wait to see you!