Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Different Thanksgiving - Happy Birthday Garet!

For the second time in our marriage, Garet's birthday fell on Thanksgiving. In order to not have his birthday get "lost" in the festivities, I planned an overnight get-away for us. Wednesday Morning, I told him to pack his bags and his bike because we were going camping and we were dropping the kids off with his parents. My original plan was to take him down to Oak Mountain, but since he has been traveling so much, he decided he would rather go to Monte Sano (and because he knows all the trails there).

We had the BEST time on Wednesday felt just like we were married without kids again! We ate at Little Rosie's, did a little shopping and then headed up the mountain. We just sat and talked in front of the fire and made smores - it was great! I was really worried it would be too cold, but it turned out to be the perfect weather. The weather was SO perfect that I actually slept until 9 AM!! Who sleeps until 9 AM while camping?!?! I was thrilled to see a paper stand at the camp store and so I had to get my paper to plan my "Black Friday" shopping adventures:
The main reason for the camping trip was to allow Garet to mountain bike on his birthday. He actually opted to take his road bike (with bigger tires for those of you questioning his bike choice) so he could try out his new handle bars:
Garet has always wanted me to go mountain biking with him, so here was the opportunity. I didn't give up, but I did hit my fair share of trees...I even had a pedal casualty. I mean, seriously, 2 feet is just not a wide enough opening to bike through! It was fun, but I don't think he is holding his breath for my next attempt.
When we went back to pick up the kids, Garet's mom had a little turkey and dressing waiting. We, of course, ate a chocolate pie as well for Garet's birthday. The kids are getting really good at blowing out candles.
I have to say that this is one of the most nontraditional Thanksgiving's that I have ever had and it was probably my favorite! I am thankful for so many things in my life, but I am so thankful that I just got a day to rest with my best friend this year.

lu Garet - Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Memo to Garet: You have the coolest wife - what a great gift idea!