Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thankfully, no one got hurt

As I mentioned earlier, Garet was out of town last week. Normally, it is not too bad he's gone, but last week was another story. Thankfully, my parents, in-laws and friends stepped in to help out - Thank you!! Since Garet was going to miss all the Halloween Festivities, I made the insane decision that Levi, Kara and I were going to carve pumpkins by ourselves. I had forgotten to buy one of those "carving" knives at the store and so I ended up using a 8" knife (I don't know what I was thinking)!

First, let me apologize for the redneck pictures of the kids. We are low on jeans and I didn't want them to get slime all over them!

Before the mess:
Levi wasn't too keen on cleaning the pumpkin with his bare hands, but he at least tried:
Kara insisted on sitting on my lap as I tried to carve the pumpkin with the huge knife:
This is what she did when I wouldn't hold her (she's crying)...she knows how to turn up the drama:
Finishing up with the spoon:

This was supposed to be our surprise picture for Aunt Kristen...sorry it didn't quite turn out - we'll work on getting another one:
I had to completely cut the back off the pumpkin because it had rotted out, but at least it still stood up:


Alison said...

I forgot to add that Kara ate the raw pumpkin kept her occupied. Hopefully those aren't bad for you.

Kimberly said...

Give yourself some credit! You are definately super mom for taking that on by yourself and taking pics of the whole thing too!

Your pics had me cracking up.