Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dear Kara,

{Note: I actually wrote this on Kara's birthday, I just never posted it because I hadn't included pictures - sorry for the delay!}

Today you are two, baby girl - happy birthday! When you were first born, I didn't really know what to do with you. For two years I had lived and breathed "boy" and suddenly I had the most beautiful little girl in my arms. In addition to soccer games, cars, trucks and bloody knees, I was now going to get to go to dance recitals, fix your hair, buy pretty dresses and paint your finger nails - you gave me the best of both worlds!

Your beauty makes me smile on a daily basis. Rarely a day goes by when someone doesn't comment on your big bright blue eyes. The way you cut them to the side and grin just steals your daddy and I's heart. You make getting on to you very difficult sometimes.

You are a very passionate child (read: dramatic :). When you are happy, you are the happiest person in the world, but when you are mad, well, it's not pleasant. You absolutely live life to the fullest and I know that you are going to teach me a lot about embracing each phase of your life.

Tall and thin has been a constant in your life. You stand 34 inches tall and weigh 26 pounds. Unless we are serving macaroni & cheese, rice, popsicles, fruit snacks, peaches or nilla wafers, you just aren't interested in eating. Until last week, you only drank milk and water - you have now decided you will drink apple juice.

Speaking of, your "security blanket" is a sippy cup. I'm not really sure where this came from, but you have to have one in bed with you to go to sleep. It doesn't have to have anything in it, you just need it. However, you still wake up once in the night at least 6 days a week. I don't know what it is, but you just walk into our room and we walk you back to your room. You've been in a "big girl" bed for about 6 months sharing a bunk bed with your brother. Naps are still in the crib since you are a light sleeper, but that will have to change very soon as Garison (and mommy) has his eye on that crib!

Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora....we hear you say "Gora" about 500 times a day. You love the show and anything that has that girls picture on it. Your daddy said you need an intervention - I'm afraid he may be right. At least your Spanish is coming along. Books are another favorite as well as cars, kitchen, babies and the work bench.

You go to school five days a week and you love it more than anything. Unlike Levi, you crave attention and school provides that for you since you are now the middle sister flanked by two boys. As a little sister, you enjoy keeping up with your brother and his friends - you don't realize that you are younger one bit. As a big sister, you like to "hold my baby". While you love Garison to pieces, sometimes I'm afraid you are going to drop him into pieces. I've got to keep an eye on you with him at all times - especially since you like to gouge his eye out and say "eye".

We love to travel as a family and this past year you added Hawaii, Florida, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri to your list which means you have 16 states marked on your map. You like new adventures and we look forward to having many more with you in the future.

Unfortunately you have had some jealousy issues with Garison being in the house and you are testing your limits on a daily basis, but we know these days will soon be gone and we thank God for making you uniquely you.

Love you!

Related: Kara at One

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