Friday, October 9, 2009

The first two days with Garison

I'll be honest, Garet and I were kinda looking forward to our hospital stay this go round. We knew what to expect, so the anxiety wasn't there. Levi & Kara were with grandparents and if we needed a break from Garison, the nursery was waiting. I didn't have to worry about meals or cleaning and you have fewer visitors the third time around. I had a book, was looking forward to watching The Office on Thursday night and I actually had time to blog (there is a reason you have only seen one blog post post-hospital :). We enjoyed catching up on sleep and just spending time together meeting Garison.

It didn't take us long to get him in some Orange & Blue - War Eagle!

I'm including a picture of my toes here. The lady at the nail place put a design on them...I wasn't crazy about it, but I thought it would be a good focal point. Due to the short duration of labor, I didn't look at my toes then, but I had plenty of opportunities during those first few feeding sessions :) - not my favorite thing in the world.
I think this was about the first time Garison decided to open his eyes, so we tried to get some pictures. You forget how "puffy" they are those first few days until you look back at the pictures. Levi & Kara both have blue, blue eyes, so we are assuming Garison will follow suit, but you never know.
This was too funny not to include:
Here's his "old man" shot. Poor kid - I'm picking on him already!
These are two of my all-time favorite pictures below. All the people I love the most in one picture!
"What's up, fam - Little-G here"
An attempt at a family photo...notice that not one of us is looking at the camera. I have a feeling this will become a trend.
A little better...
Getting ready to take our handsome little man home:

I'm including this picture because our nurse forgot to cut off Garison's security tag when we left and we set the alarm off. We had to wait until security came and verified everything was OK.
Hanging out in the hallway:
Headed home to see big brother and big sister! The fun is just beginning!


Jan Owen said...

I'll be over in a week or so to hold him! And bring you dinner too of course. :) Thanking God for a sweet new blessing!

Kimberly said...

The hospital alarm bit cracks me up. :)

And that last shot made me try to picture THREE carseats in your car. Wow!

So sad I can't hold your new boy...yet!