Six. Years. Old. I still don't believe it.
This past year was a big year for you and, as expected, you did awesome! The transition from
Preschool was very good to you and you had some of the best friends a boy could have there, so we still find lots of time to spend with your old friends too. Aaron and Drew will probably be your best friends for the foreseeable future. You have enjoyed playing soccer with your buddies and your team amazes me at the abilities you are already starting to exhibit (Go Green Lightening Strikes!). Basketball starts up in a few weeks and I'm looking forward to watching you take on another sport.
I've missed having you at home this year to be the mediator between your brother and sister - you have such a patient spirit with them and can get them to compromise that really is a gift. I find that you are a lot like me in that you get caught up in details, but you have your daddy's creative thinking and artistic abilities. You amaze me at some of the ideas you come up with.
You may be small in stature (43.5", 43 lbs), but you can put away some food. You love to get a "double stack" cheeseburger (plain) everywhere we go and easily finish it off. Chicken nuggets, noodles, rice, Doritos, ice cream and cookies are other favorites. You would say McDonald's is your favorite restaurant, but I know it is only for the toys :).
Speaking of toys...anything Star Wars is still high on the list, along with Lego's, Lego games on the wii, and PS3 games among others. You got a Nintendo DS for your birthday, so now we have yet another gaming system :). Your favorite show is Phineas and Ferb, but you usually get caught up in whatever Kara & Garison are watching too. Tygee is your favorite stuffed animal. Although you do not prefer the outdoors, you always have fun when we are out. You finished 2 mile-long races this year and I was so proud at how well you did.
I am really enjoying this "I can do everything on my own" kid phase of parenting. You make me very proud, Levi, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for you. I love you! Mommy
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