Sunday, March 30, 2008

We really need help in the kitchen

Tonight we had the meal for Life Group. I decided to make little pizzas (the ones where you use biscuit dough). They are super easy, super good and people can make their own. Perfect, right?

Take 1: While I was at church, Garet pressed out the first pizzas. I came home and they were still cooking. I opened the oven to see how they were doing and smelled smoke. We reasoned it was the cheese burning. A few minutes later, it really smelled like smoke. So, 14 pizzas burned. Our Life Group takes pity on us and eats them anyways (we are family!).

Take 2: Alison decides to make the next batch. I quickly press out the pizzas, put on the toppings and stick them in the oven - deciding on 5 minutes this time. Our group decides to start our lesson since the process is taking forever. About 20 minutes later we realize that the buzzer hasn't gone off. Garet checks the oven...4 hours and 40 minutes left. I set the alarm for 5 hours instead of 5 minutes. These are not salvageable.

Take 3: Garet is going to redeem the situation. He presses out 8 biscuits and sticks them in the oven. Heather notices (but doesn't say anything), that Garet didn't put anything on the pizzas. He realizes it later and we are able to salvage this batch. By this time everyone is full on cookies, however, and no one eats them. At least we can make cookies!

So, this is why we have people in our Life Group that can cook - we would never make it otherwise! Here they are (minus myself, I'm taking the picture, and a few others).
To our Life Group: Thank you for putting up with our fiasco of a dinner tonight and braving our home (aka the construction zone) for the last 3 months! You are truly good friends and special people to us!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alison - I am so sorry your dinner did not go well. However, I'm a little concerned that people are going to wonder why your momma didn't teach you better culinary skills! I refer them to your previous entry and your life motto :). You've always been a very independent child! I love being close enough to help, so just let me know what I can do in the future! And next year, plan on Easter dinner here! Love you lots - Mom P.S. - Hug Levi and Kara for Grandma!