Saturday, May 24, 2008

Deep in the Heart of Texas

We made it! This afternoon, we loaded up all 5 bags, 2 car seats and a stroller and headed off to the airport to fly to San Antonio. The total trip from 1st plane taking off to 2nd plane landing was only 4 hours, so we had high hopes for today. All in all, everything went smoothly, but I am always glad to arrive at our destination!

Here is Levi on the plane. We decided that the cost of our portable DVD Player and the Backyardigan DVD we bought, paid for themselves in one hour...seriously. This was his 4th time to fly, but first with the DVD Player. It made a huge difference.

Here is Kara on her first plane ride. Note the outfit - she no longer owns it. Shortly after this picture was taken, she pooped so bad that it got all over her outfit, a burp cloth, my jeans and a magazine. Of course, this happened about 20 minutes before we landed which meant we had to sit through it. As soon as we landed, everything went in the trash! She cried a little on the first take-off, but did remarkably well.So, technically this is my 3oth birthday trip (although I'm still claiming the Dominican Republic - we are just going next year), so I think the Lord wanted to make this trip special for me. After renting a full-size car, we got to the lot and the only thing they had was a mini van! Woo hoo! I know the attendant thought I was crazy, but I was pretty excited.

A lot of people tell me that I'm crazy for taking the kids all over the place, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Last July when we were touring a mansion in Newport, RI, a lady stopped me and told me to "Never stop taking your kids to new places - even if they are young". I really needed to hear that. Levi won't remember ever going to that mansion (and probably not this trip), but I guarantee that my kids are going to remember the times we spent as a family on vacation - wherever that may be. They will start remembering at some point! So, here's to a new adventure - we hit SeaWorld tomorrow. If I'm not too exhausted, I'll post pictures tomorrow night!


Bill and Melodie said...

Hope you have lots of fun in TX!

Josh Britt said...

that shirt you have on has to be the coolest shirt i have every seen. have a great time!

Kimberly said...

I do so LOVE San Antonio!! Enjoy it!

The Canada's said...

Cool trip! Did you fly Devilta or Continental? (It doesn't matter, only one of them feeds our family j/k lol!!)

But seriously, I noticed the double stroller you guys have. How do you like it? How old do they need to be to ride on the back?

So sorry about the poop. Lakyn did the IDENTICAL thing to Lindsey on her first flight.

Alison said...

Josh - a comment - WOW!

Jason - it is a sit-n-stand. Holds a car seat and lets another child ride and/or stand. Or, it can just be a regular stroller where the child in back can sit and/or stand. We love it! Lakyn should do fine on it. We like it so much because half the time Levi wants to walk, so the stoller is perfect for him to jump on and off of. It was great in SA and at the airport! You can find it at B-R-Us, Target, etc.