Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Yesterday at Costco, I went iCrazy...I bought the iRobot Roomba and the iPod Nano. I asked for advice on these two items last week, and here is what I came home with:
I am notorious for buying things and then letting them sit in their packaging until I decide if I really want the item or not (sometimes for weeks!). I always have a pile of "returns" at any given time. Garet's opening the package on the way home, but not me!
So, here the items sit in my house. Should I open them or return them? I went with this model of Roomba because that is what Costco had and I'm a warehouse junkie. I ended up buying the 8G iPOD nano (contrary to my earlier post) for a few reasons:
  1. I chose the iPOD instead of the iTouch because I already have issues spending too much time on the computer and I didn't want to feed that habit. I need to spend more time with the kids, not some fun gizmo. So, for me, it turned into a choice between family & the web - anyone else struggle with this??
  2. I decided against the 80 G iPOD because it is just big! I'd like to use my iPOD while exercising and I didn't want to have to buy another one just to work out. Although, my arms would have gotten a work-out from holding the thing up.

Anyway, maybe I'll venture into one of the packages soon...


The Big "30" said...

I love my iPod nano. I use it to walk and workout. I just wish I had gotten one with a bigger memory because I have so many songs that I want to put on it and they don't fit.

Kristen said...

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that has piles of returns... that's a secret bad habit of mine...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you bought the Roomba. Now OPEN IT! It is wonderful.

As far as the web addiction that takes you away from your kids - I have it bad. I have to force myself to not sit at my computer when they are home from school.

Ashley Turnbull said...

Alison, guess who I hung out with today? Crazy Art from your office! Yep! I was at EC for a proposal meeting with the whole gang: Bert, Sharon, David Black, Art, Danielle (?)...Sharon said you were Art's sidekick. Yikes!

The Canada's said...

Please open the Roomba and let us know if it is worth it!!! -or- I'll call Garet and get him to fire it up.