Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We loved San Antonio so much...

...that American Airlines (sorry, Jason) decided to let us stay one more day! So, we arrive at the airport with a little under an hour to spare and see a very long line to the AA ticket counter. Hmmm, this is not looking good. About 15 minutes into it, I decide that I better go check the departure list. Sure enough, all the flights into DFW have been cancelled due to weather.

Since we rarely ever pay for a ticket due to Garet's airline status, we of course were on non-revenue tickets which means: We get the last pick. The lady at the counter was really nice considering what I am sure she had already gone through that day. We were put on flights leaving out tomorrow morning with a long lay-over in DFW. We already knew we were going to have to foot the bill for the hotel since it was weather related, but apparently airlines have "deals" with hotels in the area for "distressed passengers" (we both got a kick out of that title). Therefore, the bill was only $40 tonight and I can deal with that...one more day of vacation and time with my family!

The day started out at a VERY leisurely pace - we didn't leave our room until the 11:00 AM check-out! Levi, of course, had to have one last time in the pool (or so we thought). We then went over to RiverCenter to meet The Gibson's. The food was nothing special, but we had a great time talking and hanging out. I do so miss all of our Auburn friends!! Both kids got a quick nap while we were eating (little did we know the airport adventure to come!). Here's Levi asleep and Kara with me than Holly:
We then headed out to the airport, said good-bye to the mini-van (which Levi was sad about too!), and began the adventures above. I do have to mention that the kids were crazy good today. While we were waiting in line for an hour and a half, more than one person told us how good they were. I was quick to point out that we were amazed too - right in the middle of nap time at that! Here were the kids in line:
We ended the day at Applebees where we treated ourselves to dessert for enduring the day. Thankfully our hotel had a pool, so Garet got to take Levi one more time.

Hopefully there will not be anything more to our San Antonio adventure than to tell you that we are safe at home tomorrow!


Ashley Turnbull said...

Looks like SA was a blast - y'all should convince Adam that we need to see it for ourselves =). I am so impressed with all your baby-travel...whew!

Carmen's Blog of Useles Facts... said...

Let us know when you make it home safely! thanks for keeping us posted on your trip. i've never been and it makes me want to go! i wish i could see those crazy gibsons too. :)

The Canada's said...

I will be at Hotel Gibson next week. Can't wait to meet Jude!

Did you notice if Continental had canceled its flight to Houston? (Just another shameless plug)

Alison said...

Jason: Ha ha...I'm sure they did. Garet would fly Continental if his company didn't dictate which airline he has to fly. It used to be American, now it's Delta. At least we fed your dad for awhile, is that any consolation?