Wednesday, June 25, 2008

War Eagle Fly Down (to) the Field(s)

We had the best time on Monday Night! Our friends, Dan, Ellen & Davis invited us to go "downtown" for the weekly Concert in the "Park". I've lived here 8 years and never been - sad - because it was fabulous! The kids needed a break from the house and this was the perfect opportunity. The band played Garet's favorite - Johnny Cash - I just can't get away from his music! Entertaining, none the less.

Dan & Ellen (with our kids, not theirs!):

Enjoying the beautiful weather & music: There's Davis (with the band in the background):

Dan & Ellen recently returned from living overseas and I was thrilled when they said they were moving right around the corner from us. I'll tell you why I love having Dan & Ellen nearby - it makes me feel like a college kid again (and it doesn't hurt that they are fun to hang out with as well)! Sure Garet and I have been married 8 years, have 2 kids and are official adults, but there is just something comforting about having people (mainly Dan) who knew us back in the day. My years at Auburn were some of the best years of my life - so much fun with friends, things to do and living on my own! I wouldn't trade those years for anything! War Eagle!

Now, I just need to work on getting everyone else up here so that I can feel young forever. I sure do miss these guys (and more not pictured!) - thankfully, I get to live with one of them!


Holly Gibson said...

Josh is little. I forgot about him cutting his own hair. Always fun to see his younger years B.H. (before Holly) - You guys must have had loads of fun in college!

Carmen's Blog of Useles Facts... said...

Thanks for posting that... i needed that laugh today. I look very young and very pasty white!

Ellen said...

We had so much fun with ya'll and have been really thankful to have you living close by! Can't wait to get together again. :)

Joy said...

Ditto to Carmen's comment -- I needed that today!

I love my "now" friends, but boy do I miss the AU people so much!

Look at how young we looked! I was a beanpole!