Thursday, July 3, 2008

I survived

I haven't blogged in over a week - yikes - I miss my therapy! Truth be told, Garet was out of town for 11 days straight...all the way to sunny Hawaii (ugh!). Being a single parent of a baby and a toddler is not easy and it reminded me to be thankful daily to have Garet as a help-mate. I didn't get a lot accomplished over that week and a half and now I'm paying the price! That time also challenged me to be more of a servant to single moms I know - I don't know how they do it - they really are super women!

Anyway, Garet finally got home on Sunday, but on Friday, I took the kids up (rather I rode with Garet's family) up to Nashville and then onto Lexington, KY for the annual Hurter Family Reunion at the farm. Always lots of fun, good food and a very hot hay ride. It was a challenge to take on a road trip with the two kids minus Garet, but we survived (with A LOT of help from Nana, Granddaddy, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins - Thank you!!). Thursday night after I was done packing, Garet calls to tell me that maybe I should just stay home and play it safe. Needless to say, I didn't back down and we had a great time. The kids were fabulous. I've said it before, but the Lord really does give me extra grace when Garet is out of town.

All the cousins in their matching outfits at the farm:

I never got a good one of Levi & Kara, but this made me laugh - it is SO them:

The "Girls":

The "Boys":

Our "attempt" to get a picture of the youngest generation of Hurters:

I honestly thought the hayride this year was never going to end - a memory for the kids none the less:


Jan Owen said...

thanks for the post - i've MISSED you! And I can SO relate. When Daniel was only maybe 3 months old Phil was gone for 6 weeks...yes you read that right. I had a 6 year old, a 4 year old and a 3 month old and I couldn't drive.....needless to say I was happy to see Phil again. I DO understand.

Anonymous said...

You are my hero.

:) Kimberly

Kendra said...

i love the pic of levi and kara! it is too cute!