Friday, July 4, 2008

We never waste a holiday!

To say that we don't waste a holiday is an understatement. For example, here is our 2008 holiday schedule so far:

Martin Luther King Day: Begin flooring project (I still need to do an update on that since we finally finished!)

President's Day: Travel to Maryland to visit my brother and his wife

Spring Break: Travel to Detroit to visit Garet's sister and family

Memorial Day: My 30th birthday trip to San Antonio.

As you can see, our holiday's involve either Travel or Home Improvements. So, what did the Fields do for the 4th??

Ta da:

Garet is fresh off his trip, so we didn't want to go anywhere and we had been talking about getting a playground for some time now. We finally bit the bullet and dove in. Everyone had warned us about the extremely tedious and long process these playgrounds take to put together, but, I have to admit that Garet and I have really enjoyed it. I got to sort all the pieces (which is how my mind is wired for enjoyment) and Garet got to be outside and build things with power tools. It was a win-win for both of us. Plus, we got to spend time together and I can hold my own with a drill now!

Here we are just getting started - you would not believe the amount of hardware:
Levi helping Garet with Step 1 (of 36 steps):
While the playground is rated for ages 3-11, Levi had no problems scaling every last inch of it. I think we have a winner!
The Finished Product. This is the Sunray Playground from Costco (where else?):
Side note: We did have to drive to the Costco in Nashville because our Costco sold all theirs and wasn't getting anymore in. I'll post our 4th of July pictures in another post.


Jan Owen said...

we put down the laminate flooring in maria's room on the 4th! at least it 's done.

The Slocumb Family said...

The playground looks great! I hope that Levi & Kara love it as much as Brock loves his. I cannot believe that you put it together just the two of you. Great job!

Kimberly said...

Wow!! Looks like a lot of FUN!

Good job!

Although now you may have to fight off all the neighborhood kids with a stick ...or not...sticks break bones or so I am told. :)

The Kendricks- Tales From Opossum's World said...

Cindy and I have been looking at the same playground at Costco for Abby, though she wouldn't need it for several years. It looked like an incredible playground and at such a great deal. To my dismay, we visited Costco yesterday and noticed they had changed their inventory for the summer and the playground is gone. Let me know how this one holds up so I can have a better idea to pick one up next year (if it comes back around).


mel said...

isn't it weird to say 'my brother and his wife?' :)

Boyacheks said...

Finally decided to get it huh?
It looks great!!!!!

Alison said...

Heth - I'll be sure to do a review at the end of the summer. (We did have to drive to TN to get it because our inventory was out too!)

Melissa - Yes! My little brother is all grown up!

Anonymous said...

Garet, you are still the stud I remember from college. How long did it take to put it all together. I helped a friend put one about that size together a couple years ago, and the instructions were a bit off.

Alison said...

Jeremy - instructions were perfect for this one - thankfully! We estimated it took about 20 hours, but that included dealing with an infant and toddler through-out the process! That seems like a long time when I write it, but it went by really quick.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I feel much better now. It us a couple hours so sort everything, and then us between 8 and 10 hours to do it. I just remember that the instructions were not good, and my buddy saying if it wasn't for me being an engineer he wouldn't have been able to do it. But, it could have been the fact that my the back of my legs got burnt.