Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pure Joy

I had the kids by myself tonight and for some crazy reason I decided to take them to Costco for a little shopping and to eat pizza. They don't have high chairs, so the new and mobile Kara was a little hard to contain in the cart while we ate. If I hadn't lost my mind by that point, we headed over to the children's fountain downtown. I had been wanting to take Levi for awhile now and the weather was PERFECT tonight. The fountain was a hit and it was so fun to watch Levi run, jump and laugh through the water. It made me want to be a kid again!
Trying to keep warm:

Kara wanted to play too, but the jets were just a little too powerful:


Anonymous said...

that picture of Kara made me laugh.

Kendra said...

Such cute pictures!!

Kendra said...

And I hope you got some rest after a trip to Costco and to the fountains! :o)