Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fun Weekend...OK, so last weekend - I'm that behind

It's sad when I don't get a chance to update what we did LAST weekend until Thursday Night! I am so ready to get the school year started and get back into a weekly routine. I'm much more productive then.

Anyway, Friday Night, we took advantage of my parents pool. They have a nice area around the pool, so we made a picnic out of it. Levi is venturing out into the "big pool" a bit without floats - He's getting so big! Kara was totally ordering Levi around the kiddie pool as to where she wanted to be pushed...and she is only 8.5 Months - it's going to be some fun times with her. I also love the picture of Garet kissing her and the one of Kara with her "mowhawk".
Levi stayed over at Mom & Dad's and then I met Mom & Levi at the Botanical Gardens for the Dinosaur Exhibit Saturday Morning. I never know what might freak Levi out these days, but these big dinosaurs didn't bother him:
The Butterfly House with Grandma:

Exploring the Sunflower Maze:

Getting soaked in the Children's Garden...Lovely:

Saturday Night we had our Life Group over for a MUCH needed party. I once again sharpened up my "culinary skills" and served half-baked brownies to my Life Group. Sigh. At least they keep coming back! I didn't get my camera out until the end, but I had to capture this picture of Levi and the Boyachek kids watching a movie:

Nothing exciting planned this weekend, so we'll just live off the memories of last weekend!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I love that Kara is already ordering Levi around. That is too cute! :o)