Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This picture can only mean one thing:

Levi is potty trained!!! The "board" is now Levi's drawing board. I seriously can not believe that I am just now blogging about it - I'm behind. Except for one accident, Levi has been in "big boy underwear" for 2 weeks now. His dresser drawer looks so different now:
I haven't been brave enough to let him wear underwear through the night yet, but we are close (that is why you see the overnight pull-ups in the picture). The other night, he got up in the middle of the night to go and he is dry most mornings. I just value my sleep to much to have to change the sheets if I need to.

I've decided that we got by the whole potty training thing pretty easy. Several people told me to just wait until they are ready and that is what we did. Therefore, we started a little later than most other people (2.5 years), but it only took 2 and a half months, so I'm not complaining! I guess Levi was ready! This couldn't have come at a better time, because with Kara now on formula ($$), it is nice to only have to pay for one set of diapers ($$)!

In other milestone news, Kara is cutting her first tooth! Levi didn't get his first until he was 11.5 months old, so I wasn't expecting one this early (which I realize is late for most babies). She's had a rough week trying to get this tooth through her gums, but it is FINALLY starting to poke on through. There was no drama when Levi got his teeth, so this is a brand new thing for me. Kara even got that "teething fever" so many people have talked about. We love her "spirited" personality though and are so thankful that "Baby Koko" (Levi's term of endearment for her) is in our family. I also love the way she sleeps...with her little bottom up in the air. I couldn't resist a picture!


Anonymous said...

Precious! And Congrats, on a potty trained Levi!! My 2 year old is almost there. It is tough having 2 in diapers.

Kimberly said...

WooHoo Levi! Yay for Alison! I am planning on going the take-your-time to get there route with Noah's potty training as well. I'll start thinking about that hurdle in Jan. if he doesn't bring it up before then.

Kara sleep spot pic is a classic. Can she really already be old enough for teeth?!

The Slocumb Family said...

That is great news that Levi is potty trained. I hope that Brock shows interest early because diapers are so expensive. I love the picture with Kara sleeping...Brock sleeps with him bottom in the air some nights too and it is just precious.

Alison said...

Jamie: Thanks for stopping by!

Kimberly: I think that this is more the normal range for first teeth?? Levi was really late at almost a year I know because if he didn't have any by a year, we would have had to go to the dentist to make sure he had some.

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm sexy littleass on her, love to strip her and get my tongue right up inside it and taste her hole