Monday, September 15, 2008

Kristen's Creativity

In an effort to redeem myself in my brother's eyes from yesterday's post, I figure I better try to make him lots of money today. You see, my brother married Kristen, who is seriously one of the most artistic people on the planet. After much encouragement, she has finally started her own Etsy site (Little Acorn Products) and is now sharing all of her amazing abilities with the rest of the world - yea for us!

In addition to the items on her site, I have to share with you a couple of the things she has done for me. When Kara was born, I asked Kristen to do something for Kara's wall, and the result was amazing! I wish you could see them in person, because I do not have photography skills.
Look at the details! Kara's room is in dragonflies and she handmade the dragonflies with little beads - so cute!These boxes were my Christmas present and I love them! Again, my photography doesn't do them justice.

Go check out her stuff. I've got a link on the side of my blog, so come back often to see what new and amazing things she has!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Thank you for the post! I'm so encouraged! That was very sweet of you! I have something in the works for Levi too :O)