Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dear Levi,

WOW! I can not believe you are now 3. In some ways it seems like you were just born and others in seems like you have always been a part of my life. Regardless, I definitely couldn't imagine my life without you in it. As my first born, you will always have the distinct honor of making your father & I parents.

You are a little guy right now - measuring just over 3 feet and weighing 30.5 pounds. You are very, very active and enjoy running all over the place. You want everyone to run with you on the playground at school and ask your teachers why the other kids aren't chasing you when they get tired. We say you are a future soccer player, your teacher's say track star :).

Eating isn't really your thing (it never has been), but your favorite foods are rice, baked potatoes, yogurt & lemonade. You also like your "handaburgers" (with no "salad" on them). You have accepted that your parents are not great chefs and confidently ask: "What eating place are we going to tonight?".

Lightening McQueen and the movie "Cars" are your favorite interests hands down. I think you own almost every "Cars" car out there and there are not many things with Lightening McQueen on it that you don't have. You enjoy most any kind of car for that matter. Play dough, Bikes, Diego, Puzzles, Markers, Books, Legos, the Playground and Games also occupy your time.

You have almost every "Cars" car, because that was your incentive to get potty trained. Thankfully, you picked it up rather quickly and for the past several weeks, you even sleep in "big boy underwear" at night! We appreciate this very much - diapers are expensive.

While you prefer to play, I am glad that you do like to watch TV sometimes (when I need a break!). The Backyardigans is usually what you ask to watch, although you enjoy Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & Imagination Movers as well.

You are a well-traveled little boy having already been to 21 states, which is a lot for a 3 year old. You have always been a great traveler and some of our best memories have occurred on vacations over the years.

Every day, you become a little more independent. You can dress yourself (when you want to), go to the bathroom by yourself (when you want to), and take a shower by yourself (when you want to). I've enjoyed this new found freedom.

As far as developmental milestones, you have always been right on target, except when it comes to vocabulary. Your speech is by far your super power. You started talking early and I honestly believe you know most every word in the dictionary some days. You talk like an adult and it really is quite comical to hear your words come out of your 3 year old body. You have started recognizing letters & numbers by sight (mostly 1-10 and the first letters of the alphabet), know which day of the week is which and what comes before & after, and very basic addition. I must give credit where credit is due, your teachers at your "church-school" are fantastic!

I'm looking forward to seeing how your personality develops these next few years. You are very shy when you first enter a new situation, but a short time later, you clearly become a leader in the room, but only after you seem comfortable. You can talk (and talk and talk) with the best of them! Oh, and Aaron is your "best buddy" by far.

You prefer Daddy right now, which is OK with me. You know the rule: "No tackling girls in the house" :). I am so glad that you have a strong father figure in your life - I hope you grow up to be just like him! You prefer me when you are hurt or sick, but you have never been one to snuggle up.

It has been so much fun to watch you grow up. You always know how to put a smile on my face. Know that we pray for you all the time and can't wait to see what God has in store for you!

Love you,

Mommy (or just "Mom" as you have called me this week - thankfully you don't call us Garet & Alison anymore!)

PS: You have been an AMAZING big brother. I haven't seen any jealousy towards Kara at all and you love her so much. One of my favorite things to do is watch the way you help your sister and teach her new things. It makes me so proud!


Kristen said...

How sweet - and what a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I love this! It's so sweet. I might have to write Annabelle one when she turns 3 in December.

Kimberly said...

Oh - this is so special! Good job! Forgive me for following your lead now and planning ahead to do Noah's! :)

Joy said...

sweet letter alison -- I'm going to steal your idea, too!

The Slocumb Family said...

What a great post!!! You are such a good writer!

Anonymous said...

Dear mommy,
Can I please, please, please have a puppy for my birthday next year.
I love you more,

Alison said...

Dear Levi,


Mommy :)