Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Garison Update

An update on Garison is long overdue and I apologize. As much as I am trying to make sure everything is just as special for him as it was for a first born, I am failing miserably. He may not have anything written down about him, but at least he'll have two playmates for life, right? At least that is what I'm telling myself.

Here is Mr. Garison at 36 weeks. We had not planned to have a 4D picture taken, but we got one anyway. At my 36 week appointment, we learned that Garison was not exactly in the best position, so we moved into the ultrasound room where we spent 30 minutes getting the low down. The ultrasound tech was so excited to get these pictures because she said you can never get them this late due to the positioning - we were glad to oblige although Garison had a little frowny face the whole time.

As happy as we were to see these pictures, the news wasn't so good. He was sitting in an unusual position and I had two options: 1) schedule the C-section or 2) let my doctor try to turn him. For me it was really a no brainer...after having two children without surgery, I wanted to go for it. My doctor spent a lot of time talking with me about the procedure (ie: that pain would be involved), but I really felt good about it. What I wasn't ready for was all the negative opinions I got about the procedure - that was a little frustrating.

Anyway, here we are on 9/1 at the hospital ready for the turning at 36.5 weeks. I had to check-in to the hospital and my doctor told me to pack my bags because there was a chance they would break my water or need to do a C-section. I was ready! They got me hooked up to the IV, started the medicine to reduce contractions and we waited for the doctor. I don't know what they gave me, but the meds made me shake and I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.
A few minutes later, my doctor came in, looked at the ultrasound and low and behold Garison had turned head down. I almost cried. So, so, so many of you were praying for me that this would be the outcome - thank you!! I had three really bad contractions the Sunday Night before and I'm guessing that is when he made his move. My doctor was happy too because she said she was going to have had to do a long lateral cut based on his position and she didn't want to do that. I'm just glad she told me that after the fact.

After going through that experience, I've found myself stressing out about what position he is in. At my 37 and 38 week check-up, he was head down (confirmed by ultrasound again), so hopefully we are still good.

One diversion was a lovely baby shower the girls at church had for me at PF Chang's. I failed to get a picture of everyone, but here I am in the "spotlight". I couldn't ask for better friends!
Well, we are down to hours now for Garison's arrival. I am being induced at 5 AM tomorrow morning and if history repeats itself, he should be here around lunch or a little later (although, I have learned that every pregnancy is very different - I'll have to blog on how different they really have been).

I would appreciate your prayers tomorrow that he is head down and regardless of how he gets here that he is a healthy little thing (or a big thing since I have big babies!). Fields Family Five, here we come!!


TBC said...

I am so glad he turned around! Maybe he will also decide to get things going *before* the induction! You never know...

Kimberly said...

Amazing story about the head down part! And that lateral incision makes me cringe big time!

Ellen said...

Can't wait to hear of Garison's arrival!!

Mary Broussard said...

Congrats on Garison's arrival! You look beautiful in these photos and I can't wait to see ones of your new little guy! Blessing to your beautiful family! You'll have to give me tips on handling baby #3!

Whitney said...

I'll keep you all in my prayers tomorrow! Can't wait to meet him!