After posting my US Vacation Dreams and Overseas Vacation Dreams, I started thinking about what my absolute favorite vacation has been.
As much as I talk about the places I've been, I want to add that I feel very blessed to have been able to go all these places. I realize that travel is a luxury and I never want to take that for granted. For every trip we go on, I spend HOURS finding the best deals, so know that I don't just throw money around for these trips - they are very planned out - and I am a queen at using miles and points for free trips (San Antonio was almost free for us!). Of course, it helps that my husband flies to places like Hawaii and Alaska quite frequently :).
Anyway, I digress. I want to tell you about my favorite vacation - ever. I really, really wanted it to be the 2 and a half weeks Garet and I spent backpacking across Europe (which is second), but it was one of the most simple trips we've ever taken...all the way to New Mexi
co. I often joke that Garet's second home is White Sands, NM. In our first few years of marriage, I felt like he was out there every other week. In March of 2003, I decided to join him to see just what NM had to offer. What transpired was one of the best times of my life! We drove up to Ruidoso, NM and checked into this very basic cabin - I don't even think it had a TV or a phone. We spent a couple days skiing in REAL mountains, drove around White Sands, spent time in El Paso, and also Las Cruces. I celebrated my 25th birthday out there as well. Most importantly, Garet and I were able to just spend time together - no big agenda, just time together. That's what made this trip so wonderful.
You are in SERIOUS travel mode, huh? Well, I am too. Our family is considering another Thanksgiving holiday, and we were actually thinking NC ourselves...I'll email you later a/b your plans and what you've found. As for fav vacation - has to be Grand Tetons! As for fav vacation just us - has to be our spur of the moment weekend trip to Chatta-vegas. I know, not exciting, but a relaxing weekend just US.
Well, I have so many.....but I loved our first trip to Kauai. I also always love going to Pawleys Island - it's SO relaxing. Just sitting on the porch or beach, campfires on the beach, walking and biking, swimming, reading and eating seafood.
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